I've missed a few milestones over the past few weeks, like Lily's 2nd birthday and Mother's Day. Lily had a great birthday with lots of visits from friends and relatives and the weather was gorgeous. My mom, Nana and Lily go on walks around the neighborhood all the time and Lily loves to see the garden art or, stuff, if you will, that people display in their yards. She sees stone lions and metal chickens and pink flamingos. It's like there's a zoo right here in our neighborhood. So Nana bought Lily her very own ladybug art piece for the garden. I have to say, it's pretty darn cute. Greg and I repurposed an old mailbox into a bird feeder for her to put in the garden too, because this kid loves birds!

For Mother's Day we took a walk to the hardware store to buy some plants and enjoy the sunshine. Lily rode in her brand new handmade wagon (from her G-pa, Greg's dad.) I picked out a couple of cherry tomato plants and Lily picked out some marigolds to plant in some teeny tiny pots she found in our shed.

I'd like to make planting flowers a tradition for myself on Mother's Day, although, next year, I'll plan ahead like I did last year, and buy the plants before the actual day so that I can spend Mother's Day doing the planting instead of shopping with crowds of strangers.
For Mother's Day we took a walk to the hardware store to buy some plants and enjoy the sunshine. Lily rode in her brand new handmade wagon (from her G-pa, Greg's dad.) I picked out a couple of cherry tomato plants and Lily picked out some marigolds to plant in some teeny tiny pots she found in our shed.
I'd like to make planting flowers a tradition for myself on Mother's Day, although, next year, I'll plan ahead like I did last year, and buy the plants before the actual day so that I can spend Mother's Day doing the planting instead of shopping with crowds of strangers.